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Albinism in the World of Botany.

Content   Treść   The Mystery of Plant Leukemia. I found something that combines plant biology with human medicine – plant albinism, also known as plant leukosis. As in the case of humans, albinism in plants causes a complete or partial lack of pigmentation, which leads to the disappearance of the green pigment – chlorophyll […]

Home cultivation of tomatoes.

Content   Treść   Growing tomatoes at home By growing tomatoes in our own garden, we have access to healthy vegetables at our fingertips. Ropes of red fruits decorate our green oasis, and the satisfaction from the harvested crops is great. Growing tomatoes is easy as long as you remember the basic care procedures. Location […]

Ogród przyjazny pszczołom – spis roślin miododajnych

Pszczoły, zwłaszcza te dzikie, nie mają w dzisiejszych czasach lekko. Dręczą je nie tylko choroby, ale i działalność ludzka. Rozrastające się miasta, znikające miedze między polami oraz coraz większa ilość trawników nie sprzyjają występowaniu tych pracowitych owadów. W samej Polsce znaleźć możemy około 470 różnych gatunków pszczół. Gdy weźmiemy pod uwagę, że każdy gatunek wymaga […]

A composter on the balcony? Yes this is possible!

A composter on the balcony? Yes this is possible!, Margaret mayar - Garden Centre, Garden Centre United Kingdom

Content Treść Following the modern Zero Waste trend, we can create a composter on our balcony when we do not have our own garden. Many people, for fear of unpleasant smell and flies, do not believe that it is possible at all. However, if a few conditions are met, we are able to set up […]

Liming the soil – a necessity or an unnecessary expense?

Content Treść Liming  is nothing more than a federal calcium fertilizer in order to add (increase) the pH of the soil. From the natural article you will learn why pH is responsible for good and what, when and how often you should deacidify the soil in the garden. Liming regulates the pH of the substrate […]

Dlaczego hortensja nie kwitnie?

Hortensja w Twoim ogrodzie ma piękne, zielone liście, wygląda zdrowo, nie widać szkodników, ale… nie kwitnie! Poznaj najczęstsze przyczyny braku kwitnienia hortensji. 1. Przymrozki Hortensje ogrodowe zawiązują pąki kwiatowe jeszcze w poprzednim roku, dlatego są bardzo wrażliwe na gwałtowne spadki temperatur. Jeśli pąki kwiatowe przemarzną zimą lub podczas wiosennych przymrozków, hortensja w przyszłym sezonie nie zakwitnie. Szczególnie […]

Jak sadzić drzewa i krzewy?

Jak sadzić drzewa i krzewy? Wydawać by mogło, że sadzenie drzew to żadna filozofia – ot wystarczy wsadzić je w glebę „zielonym do góry” i po kłopocie. Prawda jest jednak taka, że ​​nawet podczas działania czynności można popełnić wiele błędów, które zaważą na później losie posadzonej instalacji. Do niektórych z nich możemy: zły termin umiejscowienia, […]

Fashion for Magnolias

Content Treść MagnoliasMagnolias are plants with exceptionally beautiful flowers. We all know them and we are happy to plant them in our gardens. Proper care of magnolias is the key to their abundant flowering. Learn the rules of growing this interesting plant and ensure it has a suitable place in your garden. Here’s all about […]

Colourful winter garden

Content Treść Winter gardensWinter gardens don’t have to be sad or boring. When planning or reorganizing it, you can predict what it should look like in winter and choose the right plants. Since all the leaves are actually green in spring and summer, in autumn they do not turn into intense red or yellow or […]

Monstera enters our lives!

Content   Treść   Swiss Cheese plant – Monstera – is an extremely effective houseplant, which has recently led the way in flower popularity. No wonder! Its beautiful, large and shiny leaves add character to the interior, effectively greening apartments, houses and offices. Swiss Cheese plant (Latin Monstera deliciosa) – because that’s its full name […]

Walnut – The healing properties of the walnut

Content Treść Walnut (Juglans regia L.), is such a popular tree giving beautiful fruit, not only to decorate Christmas trees, but also to decorate tables, kitchens and very often used in dishes, salads and cakes. Everyone knows the story of ‘The Nutcracker’ from childhood. Such a famous and noble tree, unfortunately, is very rarely seen in English […]

How to protect yourself from the effects of a tick bite?

Content  Treść  Summer has started and we go for walks in the park or forest more often.It should be remembered that in addition to nice and pleasant residents, we can also meet those who we do not always see immediately, and who can hurt us. These inhabitants are ticks. They belong to the group of […]