Hortifoska super multi-ingredient mineral granular fertilizer for lawns. It is intended for fertilizing all types of lawns: lawn recreational sports lawns as well as all kinds of ornamental grasses (e.g. miscanthus pampas grass fescue rozplenice etc.).
- multi-component fertilizer for lawns
- also recommended for fertilizing ornamental grasses
- capacity: 1 kg per 50 m2
- EC fertilizer
- nitrogen (N) – 15%
- phosphorus (P2O5) – 5%
- potassium (K2O) – 10%
- magnesium (MgO) – 2% Micronutrients: boron (B) 0.04% copper (Cu) 0.1% iron (Fe) 0.2% manganese (Mn) 0.17% molybdenum (Mo) 0.01% zinc (Zn) 0.035%
The fertilizer components such as nitrogen magnesium and iron contribute to the juicy green color of the grass. Nitrogen is the main building block of proteins that make up most of living organisms it is thanks to it that grasses expand intensively and regenerate quickly after mowing.
Regularly fertilized even neglected lawn quickly regains its condition and healthy appearance. When properly nourished with phosphorus and potassium grasses better withstand unfavorable environmental conditions (drought flooding low temperatures) and are also more resistant to diseases. You can also use the fertilizer when setting up a lawn, making it an ideal starting dose for young plants.
Application method
Use the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks from March to the end of August. Use the following doses:
– when setting up a lawn – use a dose of 20-30 g of fertilizer for every 1 m² of substrate. Sprinkle the fertilizer evenly on the surface on which the lawn will be established then rake / mix it with the top layer of soil. After mixing the fertilizer with the soil sow the grass seeds and water abundantly.
– regular seasonal fertilization – use 40-80 g of fertilizer for every 1 m² of the lawn. Spread the fertilizer evenly over the lawn and then water the lawn with plenty of water. Regular watering increases the effective use of nutrients by plants.
– Spreading fertilizer over wet plants should be avoided. It is best to fertilize the lawn 2-3 days after mowing because then the fertilizer granules will penetrate the ground faster.
Package: 10 kg
If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.
- wieloskładnikowy nawóz do trawników
- polecany również do nawożenia traw ozdobnych
- wydajność: 1 kg na 50 m2
nawóz WE
azot (N) – 15%
fosfor (P2O5) – 5%
potas (K2O) – 10%
magnez (MgO) – 2%
bor (B) 0,04% miedź (Cu) 0,1% żelazo (Fe) 0,2% mangan (Mn) 0,17% molibden (Mo) 0,01% cynk (Zn) 0,035 %
Hortifoska super multi-ingredient lawn fertilizer is a granulated mineral fertilizer. It is intended for fertilizing all types of lawns: lawn recreational sports lawns as well as all kinds of ornamental grasses (e.g. miscanthus pampas grass fescue rozplenice etc.).
The fertilizer components such as nitrogen magnesium and iron contribute to the juicy green color of the grass. Nitrogen is the main building block of proteins that make up most of living organisms it is thanks to it that grasses expand intensively and regenerate quickly after mowing. Regularly fertilized even neglected lawn quickly regains its condition and healthy appearance. When properly nourished with phosphorus and potassium grasses better withstand unfavorable environmental conditions (drought flooding low temperatures) and are also more resistant to diseases. The fertilizer can also be used when setting up a lawn making it an ideal starting dose for young plants.
Application method
Use the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks from March to the end of August. Use the following doses:
– przy zakładaniu trawnika – stosować dawkę 20-30 g nawozu na każdy 1 m² podłoża. Nawóz równomiernie rozsypać na powierzchni, na której zostanie założony trawnik, a następnie zgrabić/wymieszać z wierzchnią warstwą gleby. Po wymieszaniu nawozu z glebą wysiać nasiona trawy i obficie podlać.
– regularne nawożenie sezonowe – stosować 40-80 g nawozu na 1 m² trawnika. Nawóz równomiernie rozprowadzić po trawniku, a następnie obficie podlać trawnik. Regularne podlewanie zwiększa efektywne wykorzystanie składników pokarmowych przez rośliny.
– Należy unikać rozsiewania nawozu na mokre rośliny. Trawnik najlepiej nawozić 2-3 dni po koszeniu, ponieważ wtedy granulki nawozu szybciej wnikną w glebę.
Opakowanie: 10 kg
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