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FLORUM Strong Vitamin supplement for plants. Single dripper – 30ml


30 in stock

Florum strong - vitamin conditioner-Margaret Mayar Garden Centre
Florum strong – vitamin conditioner-Margaret Mayar Garden Centre

Florum strong – vitamin conditioner Innovative vitamin formula for plant growth, flowering, and root health. Regular use leads to vibrant blooms and lush foliage.

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  • vitamin supplement for all plants
  • ensures good condition of the root system, abundant flowering and lush green leaves
  • vitamins stimulate growth and flowering
  • provides nutrition for 4 weeks
  • convenient applicator

Florum Strong is an exceptionally innovative, vitamin preparation intended for the regeneration of all plants. A specialized formula with the addition of vitamins stimulates the growth and flowering of plants. Regular use contributes to the good condition of the root system, abundant and long-lasting flowering and ensures a lush green color of the leaves. Professional, aesthetic also ready-to-use applicators facilitate the application of the product.

The addition of vitamins B and C has a positive effect on the development of plants. Vitamin C is an important plant antioxidant that helps plants fight environmental stressors such as drought, ozone and UV rays.

It has also been proven that plants cannot grow without any presence of this vitamin in the medium. Vitamin B stimulates root growth, which determines proper development. Plants nourished with vitamin B are stronger and more resistant to disease.

Application method

Florum Strong, a vitamin supplement for plants, has been designed to strengthen them all year round. Use the preparation every 1 month, allocating one applicator for each plant. Simple application in three steps:

Snap off the tip of the applicator at the incision site.

Place the tip of the applicator in the substrate so that the preparation can flow freely to the substrate. To make sure that the tip of the applicator is not clogged when placing it in the substrate, it is recommended to lightly press the applicator once in order to unblock it.

Generally, the applicator will empty itself. After emptying, remove the applicator from the substrate. With proper watering, the solution that has penetrated into the substrate will continue to act on plants for up to 4 weeks. The effectiveness of the conditioner does not depend on the automatic emptying time of the applicator.

Package: 30 ml

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.


suplement witaminowy dla wszystkich roślin

zapewnia dobrą kondycję systemu korzeniowego, obfite kwitnienie i bujną zieleń liści

witaminy stymulują wzrost i kwitnienie

zapewnia odżywienie na 4 tygodnie

wygodny aplikator

Florum Strong  to wyjątkowo innowacyjny, witaminowy preparat przeznaczony do regeneracji wszystkich roślin. Specjalistyczna formuła z dodatkiem witamin stymuluje wzrost i kwitnienie roślin. Regularne stosowanie przyczynia się do dobrej kondycji systemu korzeniowego, obfitego i długotrwałego kwitnienia oraz zapewnia soczyście zielony kolor liści. Profesjonalne, estetyczne i gotowe do użycia aplikatory ułatwiają aplikację produktu.

The addition of vitamins B and C has a positive effect on the development of plants. Vitamin C is an important plant antioxidant that helps plants fight environmental stressors such as drought, ozone and UV rays. It has also been proven that plants cannot grow without any presence of this vitamin in the medium. Vitamin B stimulates root growth, which determines proper development. Plants nourished with vitamin B are stronger and more resistant to disease.

Application method

Florum Strong, a vitamin supplement for plants, has been designed to strengthen them all year round. Use the preparation every 1 month, allocating one applicator for each plant. Simple application in three steps:

Snap off the tip of the applicator at the incision site.

Końcówkę aplikatora umieścić w podłożu tak, aby preparat mógł swobodnie spływać na podłoże. Aby upewnić się, że końcówka aplikatora nie jest zatkana podczas umieszczania go w podłożu, zaleca się jednokrotne lekkie naciśnięcie aplikatora w celu jego odblokowania.

Aplikator sam się opróżni. Po opróżnieniu zdjąć aplikator z podłoża. Przy odpowiednim podlewaniu roztwór, który wniknął w podłoże, będzie działał na rośliny nawet do 4 tygodni. Skuteczność odżywki nie zależy od czasu automatycznego opróżniania aplikatora.

Opakowanie: 30 ml 

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 14 × 4 × 2 cm


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New: A brand-new, item in original retail packaging











Material Basis


Release Speed





Spring, Summer, Autumn



Expiry Date

Located on the package




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