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Autumn Fertilizer For Conifers, Without Nitrogen – 1.2 kg – AGRECOL


3 in stock

Autumn fertilizer for conifers readies plants for winter. Potassium-magnesium blend. Also suits ornamental trees. Start in summer for best results.

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Autumn fertilizer for conifers from AGRECOL, prepares conifers, deciduous trees and shrubs for winter. Granulated potassium and magnesium fertilizer, intended for autumn fertilization of all types of coniferous plants. It is also perfect for the cultivation of ornamental deciduous trees and shrubs, because it does not change the reaction of the substrate.

The primary use of the fertilizer is to ready plants for challenging winter conditions. It is worth starting to use autumn fertilizers in summer (even from July, instead of nitrogen fertilizers).

  • fertilizer prepares the plants for winter
  • provides better wood growth
  • supplements the deficiencies of potassium, magnesium and sulfur
  • counteracts browning of the needles
  • fertilizer dosage: 30 g / meter of plant height or span


  • EC fertilizer
  • potassium (K2O) – 25%
  • magnesium (MgO) – 12%
  • sulfur (S) – 19%


The high potassium content accelerates the lignification of the shoots, which protects the less resistant species of trees and shrubs from freezing. Magnesium is a component of enzymes responsible for plant resistance to temperature changes.

Its content in the fall fertilizer for conifers effectively prevents the needles of coniferous plants from turning brown. Sulfur, on the other hand, is essential for building chemical compounds that increase plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. Thanks to it, the plants have a better start in spring.

Most importantly – autumn fertilizer for conifers does not contain nitrogen, so it does not stimulate plants to grow intensively and to create young shoots, sensitive to low temperatures. The balanced composition helps the plants to enter the winter dormancy and increases the winter hardiness and frost resistance of conifers.

Application method

The fall fertilizer for conifers can be used from mid-July in order to better prepare plants for winter dormancy. However, the best time to start fertilizing with fall fertilizer is August. Then the plants will have time to make optimal use of the nutrients supplied before the onset of winter.

In recent years, changes in our climate have been observed, consisting in a significant extension of the summer-autumn period, which translates into an extension of the vegetation period of plants. Therefore, fertilization with autumn fertilizer can be repeated after 2 months.

One should only remember not to delay fertilization until frost, because plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the frozen ground. Fall fertilizer for conifers can also be used in spring, but then it is worth supplementing it with nitrogen fertilizer.


The dose depends on the height of the plant:

  • use 30 g of fertilizer (about one handful) for every 1 meter of plant height,
  • creeping plants: use 30 g of fertilizer for every 1 meter of plant span.

Spread the fertilizer evenly around the plant and, if possible, mix it with the top layer of soil, and after use, water it abundantly. The fertilizer in contact with moist soil will gradually dissolve.

* one handful is about 30-40 g of fertilizer.

Package 1.2 kg

If you’re unsure about this product, feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, and recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret M

  • nawóz przygotowuje rośliny do zimy
  • zapewnia lepszy wzrost drewna
  • uzupełnia niedobory potasu, magnezu i siarki
  • przeciwdziała brązowieniu igieł
  • dawkowanie nawozu: 30 g/mb wysokości lub rozpiętości rośliny
nawóz WE
potas (K2O) – 25%
magnez (MgO) – 12%
siarka (S) – 19%
Jesienny nawóz do drzew iglastych przygotowuje drzewa iglaste, liściaste i krzewy do zimy. Granulowany nawóz potasowo-magnezowy, przeznaczony do jesiennego nawożenia wszystkich rodzajów roślin iglastych. Doskonale nadaje się również do uprawy ozdobnych drzew i krzewów liściastych, ponieważ nie zmienia odczynu podłoża. Nawóz służy przede wszystkim do przygotowania roślin do trudnych warunków zimowych. Nawozy jesienne warto zacząć stosować latem (nawet od lipca zamiast nawozów azotowych).
The high potassium content accelerates the lignification of the shoots, which protects the less resistant species of trees and shrubs from freezing. Magnesium is a component of enzymes responsible for plant resistance to temperature changes. Its content in the fertilizer effectively prevents the needles of coniferous plants from turning brown. Sulfur, on the other hand, is essential for building chemical compounds that increase plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. Thanks to it, the plants have a better start in spring.
Most importantly – autumn fertilizer for conifers does not contain nitrogen, so it does not stimulate plants to grow intensively and to create young shoots, sensitive to low temperatures. The balanced composition helps the plants to enter the winter dormancy and increases the winter hardiness and frost resistance of conifers.
Application method
The fertilizer can be used from mid-July in order to better prepare plants for winter dormancy. However, the best time to start fertilizing with fall fertilizer is August. Then the plants will have time to make optimal use of the nutrients supplied before the onset of winter. In recent years, changes in our climate have been observed, consisting in a significant extension of the summer-autumn period, which translates into an extension of the vegetation period of plants. Therefore, fertilization with autumn fertilizer can be repeated after 2 months. One should only remember not to delay fertilization until frost, because plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the frozen ground. Fall fertilizer for conifers can also be used in spring, but then it is worth supplementing it with nitrogen fertilizer.
Dawka zależy od wysokości rośliny:
– stosuj 30 g nawozu (około jednej garści) na każdy 1 metr wysokości rośliny,
– rośliny płożące: stosować 30 g nawozu na 1 metr rozpiętości roślin.
Nawóz równomiernie rozprowadzić wokół rośliny iw miarę możliwości wymieszać z wierzchnią warstwą gleby, a po użyciu obficie podlać. Nawóz w kontakcie z wilgotną glebą będzie się stopniowo rozpuszczał.
* garść to około 30-40 g nawozu.
Opakowanie 1,2 kg

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg
Dimensions 22 × 19 × 6 cm


Material Basis


Release Speed




Expiry Date


Compatible Plant Type







1.2 kg


Microelements,Iron Sulphate,Magnesium Oxide,Phosphate,Potassium Nitrate



Item Weight

1.2 kg



Season of Interest



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