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Drip – fertilizer for orchids – 100% ORGANIC


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Drip organic fertilizer for orchids - Margaret Mayar Garden Centre - UK
Drip organic fertilizer for orchids – Margaret Mayar Garden Centre – UK

Elevate your plants with our ready-to-use liquid drip organic fertilizer for orchids. Ideal for Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium & more. Easy application for thriving blooms!

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This product is a liquid drip organic fertilizer for orchids. Intended for all types of orchids, incl. Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya. It is also successful in the cultivation of other flowering plants that stimulate flowering.

We prepare the fertilizer in a ready-to-use form, eliminating the need for water dissolution. A drip is a ready dose of orchid fertilizer, without the need to measure the product. The special drip tube releases the fertilizer into the ground automatically, making it easy also convenient to use.

  • contains natural substances that regenerate the substrate
  • stimulates orchids to bloom intensively
  • provides healthy and firm leaves
  • in the form of a convenient applicator


  • total nitrogen (N) – at least 0.08%
  • total phosphorus calculated as P2O5 – at least 0.05%
  • total potassium converted to K2O – at least 0.12%

All ingredients are water soluble.

Note: The release time depends on many factors: the size of the hole from which the fertilizer flows, the moisture of the substrate, and the method of placing the drip in the pot. The time the fertilizer flows into the ground has no negative effect on the effect of the fertilizer. It is an organic fertilizer – safe for plants.

The benefits of drip orchid fertilizer

The first fertilizer formula on the market contained in a drip. These fertilizers are completely safe for plants and do not pose a risk of over-fertilization. The drip contains high-quality organic fertilizer for orchids. Organic fertilizer contains natural substances that regenerate the substrate. It is a perfect solution for busy and busy people, because fertilization takes place automatically.

The fertilizer contains the fundamental ingredients needed for the proper development of plants. Nitrogen supports the production of new, beautifully colored leaves. Phosphorus enhances the development of a strong root system. Potassium influences the turgor (hydration) of the leaves, which has a positive effect on their firmness.

Additionally, it reduces the risk of plants catching infections. The most important role of potassium is to stimulate the plant to form new inflorescence shoots. The drip deeply nourishes the plants. Additionally, it regenerates the substrate thanks to the supplied organic matter.

Drip orchid fertilizer nourishes plants very gently. It does not over-fertilize or damage the delicate orchid roots. Fertilization with orchid fertilizer in the form of a drip gives a new, less persistent character to the existing care treatments. You don’t need to dissolve the fertilizer in water; simply place it in the substrate. The drip looks attractive in an orchid pot.


Application method

Drip – fertilizer for orchids should be used once a month throughout the growing season. The growing season of orchids is from April to September. One applicator should be allocated for each plant.

  1. Tear off the tip of the applicator along the score line.
  2. Insert the applicator diagonally into the pot to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  3. After emptying, remove the applicator from the substrate.

The components of the fertilizer, regardless of the speed of emptying the drip, work continuously for a month. After one month, another drip can be used.

The use of a drip does not preclude further watering of the plants. The orchids should be watered as before – at the same intervals. The drip can be in the pot while watering. During watering by immersing the pot with a root ball, we can remove the drip for a while.

Good advice: For watering orchids, use boiled water and let it stand for at least 24 hours. Water straight from the tap contains calcium compounds and chlorides that are harmful to orchids. In the process of water settling, they stick to the bottom of the watering can or evaporate.

Available packages: 35 ml and 3 x 35 ml

If you’re unsure about this product, then feel free to contact our team. We’ll be glad to assist you, explain how the product works, also recommend other suitable options for you. You can also contact with us on our fan page on Facebook – Garden Centre Margaret Mayar.


– zawiera naturalne substancje regenerujące podłoże

– stymuluje intensywne kwitnienie storczyków

– zapewnia zdrowe i jędrne liście

– w formie wygodnego aplikatora



• azot ogólny (N) – co najmniej 0,08%

• fosfor ogólny w przeliczeniu na P2O5 – co najmniej 0,05%

• potas całkowity przeliczony na K2O – co najmniej 0,12%

Wszystkie składniki są rozpuszczalne w wodzie.

Kroplówka storczykowa to płynny nawóz organiczny. Przeznaczony do wszystkich rodzajów storczyków Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Cattleya. Z powodzeniem sprawdza się również w uprawie innych roślin kwiatowych stymulujących kwitnienie. Nawóz przygotowany jest w postaci gotowej do użycia, bez konieczności rozpuszczania w wodzie. Kroplówka to gotowa dawka nawozu do storczyków, bez konieczności odmierzania produktu. Nawóz w specjalnej rurce kroplowej jest bardzo łatwy i wygodny w użyciu oraz automatycznie uwalniany do podłoża.

Note: The release time depends on many factors: the size of the hole from which the fertilizer flows, the moisture of the substrate, and the method of placing the drip in the pot. The time the fertilizer flows into the ground has no negative effect on the effect of the fertilizer. It is an organic fertilizer – safe for plants.

The benefits of drip orchid fertilizer

The first fertilizer formula on the market contained in a drip. These fertilizers are completely safe for plants and do not pose a risk of over-fertilization. The drip contains high-quality organic fertilizer for orchids. Organic fertilizer contains natural substances that regenerate the substrate. It is a perfect solution for busy and busy people, because fertilization takes place automatically. People living in harmony with nature will certainly be satisfied with 100% natural fertilizer. The fertilizer contains the fundamental ingredients needed for the proper development of plants. Nitrogen supports the production of new, beautifully colored leaves. Phosphorus enhances the development of a strong root system. Potassium influences the turgor (hydration) of the leaves, which has a positive effect on their firmness. Additionally, it reduces the risk of plants catching infections. The most important role of potassium is to stimulate the plant to form new inflorescence shoots. The drip deeply nourishes the plants. Additionally, it regenerates the substrate thanks to the supplied organic matter.

Drip orchid fertilizer nourishes plants very gently. It does not over-fertilize or damage the delicate orchid roots. Fertilization with orchid fertilizer in the form of a drip gives a new, less persistent character to the existing care treatments. The fertilizer does not need to be dissolved in water, it is enough to place it in the substrate. The drip looks attractive in an orchid pot.


Application method

Drip – fertilizer for orchids should be used once a month throughout the growing season. The growing season of orchids is from April to September. One applicator should be allocated for each plant.

1. Tear off the tip of the applicator along the score line.

2. Insert the applicator diagonally into the pot to a depth of 2-3 cm.

3. After emptying, remove the applicator from the substrate.

The components of the fertilizer, regardless of the speed of emptying the drip, work continuously for a month. After one month, another drip can be used.

The use of a drip does not preclude further watering of the plants. The orchids should be watered as before – at the same intervals. The drip can be in the pot while watering. During watering by immersing the pot with a root ball, we can remove the drip for a while.

Good advice: For watering orchids, use boiled water and let it stand for at least 24 hours. Water straight from the tap contains calcium compounds and chlorides that are harmful to orchids. In the process of water settling, they stick to the bottom of the watering can or evaporate.

Do you know that…? A few interesting facts from the life of orchids

Vanilla is also part of the orchid family. Yes, just the one we use in the kitchen! Orchids are also found in Poland. Roundworm, helleborine, slipper – these are just a few examples of orchids among our native flora. In total, there are about 50 species of orchids in our country, and all of them are under protection! They do not resemble those known to us from shop displays, but they are equally charming and mysterious. Orchids are so common that they are found everywhere in the world, excluding Antarctica. Do you want to grow an orchid from a seed? This can be very difficult as some seeds are so small that they are sometimes almost invisible to the naked eye. That is why orchids are usually propagated under laboratory conditions in special vials. Let us, however, remain with the reproduction by division or the so-called keików – tiny seedlings that orchids sometimes release on shoots.


Dostępne opakowania: 35 ml i 3 x 35 ml

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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